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Google transparency report

  • Google transparency report. Safe Browsing is a service that Google's security team built to identify unsafe websites across the web and notify users and website owners of potential harm. In this Transparency Report, we disclose details about the warnings we show to users. At the time, we weren’t sure how things would look beyond that first snapshot, so we pledged to release numbers twice a year. Learn how Google protects your privacy, promotes free expression, and fosters innovation. Google Transparency Report is a website that reveals how Google deals with various issues that impact the online world. PDF Download Center; Political advertising on Google; Traffic and disruptions to Google; Information about EU Monthly Active Recipients; VLOSE/VLOP Transparency Report under the EU DSA Safe Browsing is a service that Google’s security team built to identify unsafe websites and notify users and website owners of potential harm. Wenn im Rahmen eines Ersuchens zu viele Informationen offengelegt werden müssten, versuchen wir, den Umfang einzugrenzen. コンテンツの削除. As legislações do mundo todo afetam a disponibilidade de conteúdo nos produtos e serviços do Google. Oct 6, 2017 · HTTPS relies on encryption—SSL or TLS—to securely connect a browser or app with websites. Explore the Google Transparency Report to understand how Google's technology impacts user security and privacy. Access key Google reports on topics like transparency, sustainability, diversity, and economic impact. May 6, 2021 · Google’s Transparency Report shares data that sheds light on how the policies and actions of governments and corporations affect privacy, security, and access to information. Remoção de conteúdo. Courts and government agencies around the world regularly ask Google to remove information from Google products for alleged violation of law. If you get an email purportedly from Google that asks for this type of information, don't provide it. Google では、2010 年に初めて透明性レポートを公開して以来、政府や企業の政策やポリシー、対応が、プライバシー、セキュリティ、オンライン情報へのアクセスに与える影響を明らかにするデータを公開しています。 Google’s Transparency Report shares data that sheds light on how the policies and actions of governments and corporations affect privacy, security, and access to information. Google memublikasikan laporan transparansi bulanan tentang keluhan yang diterima dari pengguna di India dan tindakan yang diambil terkait keluhan tersebut di seluruh platform Google yang diklasifikasikan sebagai “Perantara Media Sosial yang Signifikan” (“Significant Social Media Intermediaries/SSMI"). PDF Download Center; Political advertising on Google; Traffic and disruptions to Google; Information about EU Monthly Active Recipients; VLOSE/VLOP Transparency Report under the EU DSA PDF Download Center. Desde que o Google lançou o primeiro Relatório de Transparência em 2010, temos compartilhado dados que demonstram como as políticas e as ações de governos e corporações afetam a privacidade, a segurança e o acesso à informação on-line. Wie Google mit behördlichen Ersuchen um Nutzerdaten umgeht Jedes einzelne Ersuchen wird von uns sorgfältig geprüft, damit wir sicher sein können, dass es den geltenden Gesetzen entspricht. More than a decade ago, we launched our first Transparency Report with the intention of showing users how government policy impacts access to information and informs discussions about the free flow of information online. We also receive reports from third parties and our users, which complement our ongoing work. Jun 4, 2018 · Google Safe Browsing. Raport przejrzystości Google udostępnia dane, dzięki którym widać, jak zasady ustanawiane przez organy państwowe i przedsiębiorstwa oraz podejmowane przez nie działania wpływają na ochronę prywatności, bezpieczeństwo i dostęp do informacji. Google Transparency Report. YouTube’s Community Guidelines are enforced consistently across the globe, regardless of where the content is uploaded. Since Google launched its first Transparency Report in 2010, we have been committed to sharing data that sheds light on how the policies and actions of governments and corporations affect Learn how Google engages with policymakers and regulators on key issues such as artificial intelligence, competition, connectivity, copyright, and more. In this US national security requests report, we separately report requests from US authorities using national security laws because these laws restrict how much information companies like us are allowed to share, and when we are allowed to share it. Google Transparency Report Google logs the number of visits to every Google product with an approximation of the geographic region where the visit originated. This report provides transparency into our efforts to reduce potentially harmful application (PHA) rates on devices and in Google Play. Across Google, our teams work around-the-clock to identify, remove, and report this content, using a combination of industry-leading automated detection tools and specially-trained reviewers. This report quantifies and explains the impact of those protections on detecting and removing potentially harmful applications (PHAs). Since Google launched its first Transparency Report in 2010, we have been committed to sharing data that sheds light on how the policies and actions of governments and corporations affect privacy, security, and access to information online. Báo cáo minh bạch của Google chia sẻ dữ liệu giúp làm sáng tỏ cách các chính sách và hành động của chính phủ cũng như công ty làm ảnh hưởng đến quyền riêng tư, bảo mật và quyền truy cập vào thông tin. Nov 4, 2016 · HTTPS relies on encryption—SSL or TLS—to securely connect a browser or app with websites. You can discover data and insights on topics such as security, privacy, content removals, government requests, and more. Today we’re updating the Transparency Report with data about government requests from January to June Google’s Transparency Report shares data that sheds light on how the policies and actions of governments and corporations affect privacy, security, and access to information. For information about content removals or restrictions based on local laws, see Google’s Government requests to remove content transparency report. We review these requests closely to determine if content should be removed because it violates a law or our product policies. Our mission to make information universally accessible and useful starts with making our products safe. Google Transparence des informations partage des données qui révèlent l'impact des politiques et des actions des gouvernements et des entreprises sur la confidentialité, la sécurité et l'accès à l'information. . Explore our Transparency Centre to understand the policies that keep users safe from harm and abuse and get information about how we develop and enforce those policies. In this report, we disclose the number of requests we receive in six-month periods. 世界各国の法律が、Google のプロダクトやサービスのコンテンツの有効性を左右します。このレポートでは、オンライン コンテンツの規制に関する議論の材料となるよう、コンテンツの削除リクエストに関するデータを開示しています。 Jan 1, 2012 · Courts and government agencies around the world regularly request that we remove information from Google products. Transparency helps our users, the public, regulators, and policymakers understand our policies and our products. Google apps. Politisk annonsering på Google; Störningar i trafiken till Google; Information om aktiva mottagare per månad i EU; Insynsrapport om mycket stora onlineplattformar (VLOP) och mycket stora sökmotorer (VLOSE) enligt EU:s förordning om digitala tjänster (DSA) HTTPS では、ブラウザやアプリをウェブサイトに安全に接続するために、SSL や TLS などの暗号化を利用します。Google の提供するこのレポートでは、Google やウェブ全体での HTTPS の導入状況と使用状況に関するデータを提供します。 Het Transparantierapport van Google bevat gegevens die inzicht bieden in hoe het beleid en acties van overheden en bedrijven van invloed zijn op privacy, beveiliging en toegang tot informatie. Google’s Transparency Report shares data that sheds light on how the policies and actions of governments and corporations affect privacy, security, and access to information. Aug 27, 2024 · Safe Browsing is a service that Google’s security team built to identify unsafe websites and notify users and website owners of potential harm. Search to see the site status of any URL and explore the data and trends of malware threats. Learn how Google's Safe Browsing technology detects and warns users of unsafe websites. Safe Browsing is a service that Google’s security team built to identify unsafe websites and notify users and website owners of potential harm. Government agencies, courts, and parties in civil litigation ask technology and communications companies for user data. This report discloses the number of requests Google receives in six-month periods. PDF Download Center; Political advertising on Google; Traffic and disruptions to Google; Information about EU Monthly Active Recipients; VLOSE/VLOP Transparency Report under the EU DSA Jan 3, 2018 · Additional reports . Aug 19, 2021 · Google Safe Browsing. United States national security requests for user information. Google은 2020년 5월 31일부터 2021년 5월 31일까지 수신한, 검색결과에서 Google의 모조품 정책 위반에 해당할 가능성이 있는 콘텐츠를 삭제해 달라는 요청 중에서 주목할 만한 요청의 데이터와 샘플을 '모조품으로 인한 콘텐츠 삭제' 보고서에 게시했습니다. Today the Google Transparency Report hub includes transparency reports on requests for user information, government requests to remove content, traffic and disruptions, and many other topics that can potentially impact human rights. This report provides data on such requests to delist links from Search. Google’s Transparency Report shares data that sheds light on how the policies and actions of governments and corporations affect privacy, security, and access to information. See Google's principles, standards, and transparency reports on its public policy work. Nov 13, 2012 · So we took our first step toward greater transparency by disclosing the number of government requests we received. Find FAQs, tips, tutorials, and feedback options for the report. This report shows the number and type of requests Google receives from government agencies around the world for user data, and the percentage of requests that result in some disclosure. Nov 23, 2021 · Google Safe Browsing. Learn how to use and understand Google Transparency Report, which shows data on government requests, content removals, and network disruptions. Google では、オンライン情報へのアクセスに影響を及ぼす世界中の法律や法的手続きについて関心を高めるためにこの情報を公開しています。 レポートデータをダウンロード file_download Google Relatório de Transparência. O serviço Navegação segura foi criado pela equipe de segurança do Google para identificar sites não seguros e notificar os usuários e proprietários sobre possíveis danos. Jun 25, 2013 · Google Safe Browsing. In 2017, these protections evolved to form Google Play Protect, which provides a visible home for Google’s comprehensive security protections for Android. Google 透明性レポート. This report shares details about the threats detected and the warnings shown to users. Estes relatórios divulgam dados sobre as solicitações de remoção de conteúdo para alimentar as discussões sobre a regulação de conteúdo na Internet. The Transparency Report includes our Site Status diagnostic tool that you can use to see whether a site currently contains content that Safe Browsing has determined to be dangerous. Google Transparency Report is a website that provides data and insights on how Google's products and policies affect the online world. Google stellt mit dem Transparenzbericht Daten zur Verfügung, die Aufschluss darüber geben, wie sich Richtlinien und Maßnahmen von Behörden und Unternehmen auf den Datenschutz, die Sicherheit und den Zugriff auf Informationen auswirken. Sep 29, 2018 · Google Safe Browsing. Jan 1, 2015 · Begin time Requests for disclosure of user information Accounts; Jul 2009 – Dec 2009: 12,539: 0: Jan 2010 – Jun 2010: 13,424: 0: Jul 2010 – Dec 2010: 14,201 Additional reports . You can explore topics such as government requests, security, content removals, traffic disruptions, and more. Since Google launched the first Transparency Report in 2010, we’ve been sharing data that sheds light on how the policies and actions of governments and corporations affect privacy, security and access to information online. Additional reports . Google si impegna a promuovere la trasparenza per gli utenti aziendali delle proprie piattaforme. Come fornitore di piattaforme di servizi di intermediazione online, pubblicheremo questo report annualmente, in conformità con il regolamento europeo Platform to Business (P2B), che è entrato in vigore il 12 luglio 2020. When content is removed for violating our guidelines, it is removed globally. PDF Download Center; Political advertising on Google; Traffic and disruptions to Google; Information about EU Monthly Active Recipients; VLOSE/VLOP Transparency Report under the EU DSA Remoção de conteúdo. Google publishes monthly transparency reports on complaints received from users in India and the actions taken across Google’s platforms that are classified as “Significant Social Media Intermediaries” (“SSMIs”). Our Transparency Report includes details on the threats that Safe Browsing identifies. PDF Download Center; Political advertising on Google; Traffic and disruptions to Google; Information about EU Monthly Active Recipients; VLOSE/VLOP Transparency Report under the EU DSA Mar 22, 2021 · Google Safe Browsing. We updated our Android ecosystem security report with data for the period January – March 2021, and organised the report into Device safety and Play Store safety sections. The report covers the period from July 2009 to June 2023, and excludes US national security requests. When we notify the account holder about a legal request, we do so by email. Our goal is to help everyone understand the impact that copyright has on access to content through Google Search. Main menu Government agencies, courts, and parties in civil litigation ask technology and communications companies for user data. Transparency Report 2020, Transparency Jul 18, 2017 · In 2010, we launched the government requests tool, a new way to publicly document government requests for user data and content removals. Transparency Report Google’s Transparency Report shares data that sheds light on how the policies and actions of governments and corporations affect privacy, security, and access to information. Jul 28, 2018 · Google Safe Browsing. Find out how Google strives to protect your online rights and promote a free and open web. Ads Transparency Center. Since Google launched the first Transparency Report in 2010, we’ve been sharing data that sheds light on how the policies and actions of governments and corporations affect privacy, security, and access to information online. Google regularly receives requests to delist content from Search results that may infringe on copyright. In these emails, Google will not ask for any personal information such as a password or social security number. This from Google report provides data on the status of HTTPS adoption and usage at Google and the web. This report discloses information about the number and type of requests Google receives from governments. Explore our Transparency Center to understand the policies that keep users safe from harm and abuse, as well as information about how we develop and enforce those policies. Google Transparency Report Sep 5, 2017 · HTTPS relies on encryption—SSL or TLS—to securely connect a browser or app with websites. In this transparency report, we disclose details about the warnings we show to users. It was the first report of its kind and a natural extension of our mission to make information accessible and useful. The email is probably a scam, so please report it to us. This report shows observed real-time disruptions and disruptions reported by external parties. mqfjpmr ntoua ujmj khyz qwj ewaij qby lgph micf tydbd